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Approval Groups

Approval Groups offer the option to set up a group, that includes up to ten users, where approval is only required by one of the individuals in that group.

This feature is a limited release and will be made available to all accounts by mid 2019. If the feature is not available in your account, please stay tuned, as we are not able to enable on an account by account basis.

Setting up Approval Groups

  1. Hover over the gear icon, click Settings
  2. Click Approval Groups under Payables Approval_Groups_link.png
  3. Click New 
  4. Name the Group
    • Add Description of the group if applicable 
  5. Click Save to save the name of the group Name_new_group.png
  6. Select the users to include in the group 
  7. Click Save to save the users to the group Select_users.png

Approval Groups can be selected when:

  • Assigning approvers to bills
  • Creating an approval policy
  • Setting up default approvers under Bill Approval workflow settings


Things to know

  • Approval Groups can include up to 10 users
  • Users can be in multiple groups
  • A group cannot contain another group
  • Approval notifications will go out to all approvers in the group at the same time via email based on their email preferences
  • An approve bill action item will be added to all approvers in a group  
  • As soon as one of the approvers in a group approves a bill, the to-do item will be removed from their list
  • We will display which user within an approval group approved the bill
  • Adding or removing a user to/from a group will apply retroactively to bills assigned to that group
    • A user newly added to an existing group where the group is the current approver on a bill will see a to-do action item but will not receive an email notification for that bill since the initial notification has already gone out
  • If one member of a group logs in and no longer sees a bill to approve, another approver in the group may have approved the bill already
  • This feature is supported in the mobile app, IOS & Android