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QuickBooks Online Error: Object Not Found : Something you're trying to use has been deleted. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors or employees.


Object Not Found : Something you're trying to use has been deleted. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors or employees.


This error occurs when something on a transaction has either been deleted, or the connection has been broken. The deletion can occur in either or QuickBooks.  This can be any item related to the transaction such as accounts, items, classes, customers, vendors or the invoice/bill itself.


Check the chart of account(s), items, locations, classes, vendor and any employees on the bill to make sure they are not deleted and if they are, re-code the deleted item(s).
If everything on the bill/invoice is active and this error persists after re-coding, or the bill/invoice itself is deleted in either or QuickBooks, contact customer support.