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QuickBooks Online Sync Error: Business Validation Errors: This vendor cannot be deleted because it is used on a recurring template or scheduled liability payment in QBO; This customer cannot be deleted because it is used on a recurring template...


Business Validation Error: This vendor cannot be deleted because it is used on a recurring template or scheduled liability payment in QBO.

Business Validation Error: This customer cannot be deleted because it is used on a recurring template.

Business Validation Error: This account cannot be deleted because it is used by a recurring template or scheduled liability



This error occurs when a vendor/customer/account is deleted in and the deletion(s) is trying to sync to QuickBooks Online (QBO), but the vendor/customer/account is has one or more recurring bills/invoices in QBO, or has one or more current scheduled payments. 



To clear this error, delete the recurring template or void the pending payment(s) for the vendor/customer/account in QBO and sync again.