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QuickBooks Desktop Sync Error: An attempt was made to modify a <transaction> with a date that is on or before the closing date of the company


An attempt was made to modify a transaction with a date that is on or before the closing date of the company. If you are sure you really want to do this, please ask a user with Admin privileges to remove the password for editing transactions on or before to closing date (this setting is in the Accounting Company Preferences), then try again.


This error is generated when the transaction is dated on or before the closing date in QuickBooks. When a Close Date and Password are set in QuickBooks, the password is required for changed that would alter the balances for the closed accounting period.

Note: Adding, editing or deleting transactions dated on or before the closing date.


Update the transaction manually in QuickBooks (logged in as an Administrator)

(QuickBooks will require for a user with Admin privileges to enter a password), and then contact Customer support so that we can mark the update made to the transaction in, not to sync.
Check the Audit trail to see if the bill has been previously synced.

Click the Payables tab.
In the All Bills table, click the name of the bill you wish to view. This displays an image of the bill on the bill summary page, along with a Summary box.
Click Audit Trail.

If the bill has not been synced:

Change the date of the transaction to be after the QuickBooks closing date (invoice date and due date-see screen shot below)
Change the closing date in QuickBooks to be before the date of the transaction, run sync. Remember to reset the closing date.

If the bill has previously synced:

A QuickBooks Desktop user with Admin privileges needs to remove the password for editing transactions on or before to closing date (this setting is in the Accounting Company Preferences), then try again.

Note: QuickBooks Desktop Administrator needs to remove the closing date password. Without a Closing date password in QuickBooks Desktop the transactions will be able to sync into closed periods.