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QuickBooks Desktop Sync Error: Error validating Detail Line 2, Account ID Field:Required field not specified


Error validating Detail Line 2, Account ID Field:Required field not specified


A Funds Transfer is a daily withdrawal made to obtain the funds required to pay your bills. This withdrawal is the total sum required to pay scheduled bills that day.

When a sync is initiated, the Funds Transfer posts as a debit to the Money Out Clearing account and a credit to the General Ledger account that corresponds to your bank account.

When a Funds Transfer can not sync to QuickBooks, a validation error surfaces because there is no bank account designated for the General Ledger.


  1. Hover over the gear icon and click Settings > Overview > Sync > Preferences
  2. Click Edit 
  3. Choose the General Ledger account that corresponds with your QuickBooks bank account for the "GL Account for Bank Account ***xxxx" setting
  4. Click Save
  5. Sync

If Sync Errors still appear after making updating the General Ledger account, please contact Customer Support.