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Oracle NetSuite Sync Error: Account id = null & id = XXXXX is invalid because it is of type Bank.


Account id = null & id = XXXXX is invalid because it is of type Bank.



This error is occurring because the GL account selected in the Expenses section of the bill is categorized as Bank. A bank account cannot be used in the Expenses section of a bill. 



If the account(s) used on the bill were incorrectly categorized as Bank, change the account type:

  1. Hover over the gear icon, and then click Settings
  2. Under Accounting, click Chart of Accounts
  3. Click the name of the account used on the bill
  4. Click the edit icon.
  5. For Type, select something other than Bank
  6. Click Save
  7. Return to the bill getting the sync error
  8. In the Bill Summary, verify the splits work with the new account type
  9. Sync again

If the wrong account(s) were selected on the bill, edit the bill, and select new, non-Bank-Type accounts for the line items.