Account id = null & id = XXXXX is invalid because it is of type Bank. |
This error is occurring because the GL account selected in the Expenses section of the bill is categorized as Bank. A bank account cannot be used in the Expenses section of a bill.
If the account(s) used on the bill were incorrectly categorized as Bank, change the account type:
- Hover over the gear icon, and then click Settings
- Under Accounting, click Chart of Accounts
- Click the name of the account used on the bill
- Click the edit icon.
- For Type, select something other than Bank
- Click Save
- Return to the bill getting the sync error
- In the Bill Summary, verify the splits work with the new account type
- Sync again
If the wrong account(s) were selected on the bill, edit the bill, and select new, non-Bank-Type accounts for the line items.