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What is Vendor Direct Vendor Direct offers you a free digital alternative to paying by check and delivers faster payments to your vendor. This digital alternative uses card technology. Vendors that accept virtual card payments will be paid with a single-use Mastercard card number for your payments in lieu of a check.

What is a virtual card?

  • Virtual card capabilities, that allow creation of a one-time use account number, have been available in the larger credit card industry for over 15 years to allow for more purchasing control and added security.
  • Virtual card payments constitute a 16-digit, one time use token created to facilitate payment of a single supplier invoice.
  • The virtual card number can only be used once and generally for the exact amount of the invoice. It also has a specific expiration date.
  • No physical card is involved, no card numbers are stored
  • Suppliers who accept virtual card payments authorize and settle them just like any other Visa, Mastercard, AMEX or Discover card

Benefits for a customer

  • Vendor Direct transactions do not incur any transaction fees
  • Faster payment arrival to suppliers
  • Adds a widely-accepted electronic payment option that many suppliers accept
  • No change in the worfklow that you use today

Benefits for your Suppliers/Vendors

  • Faster application of receivables
  • More control over process compared to checks
  • A payment method that works within their current internal processes, is secure, and eliminates the labor costs associated with processing checks

For more information, please visit the Vendor Direct - Frequently asked questions