Sign in

Update required to continue using the Mobile app

On January 25, 2019, will perform system updates that will require users of older versions of the app to update to the latest version to continue to work. Older versions of the app will not allow you to sign in.


If on a mobile device, click here to go to an automatic update page.

If not on a mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the App Store on your device
  2. Enter in the search bar and tap Search on your keyboard
  3. Select in the search results
  4. Tap Update



If on a mobile device, click here to go to an automatic update page.

If not on a mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your device
  2. Enter in the search bar and tap the Search icon on your keyboard
  3. Select in the search results
  4. Tap Update


Things to know

  • If already on the most up to date version, the Update button will not appear
  • If the app needs to be updated, and it is not, the account can still be accessed using a desktop or mobile browser