If one or more of the people you do business with uses Bill.com to pay bills or accept payments, start a Bill.com Basic account!
- Pay vendors who use Bill.com - for free!
- Get paid by customers who use Bill.com, right into your bank account
- Manage all your customers and vendors
- Manage and send eBills and eInvoices
- Explore the Bill.com Network to connect with customers and vendors who already use Bill.com
- Receive documents in your Bill.com Inbox
- Use our award-winning Bill.com mobile app to manage your payables and receivables on the go
- ...and much more!
Setting up your account is easy!
- Fill out some info about you and your company, agree to the General Terms of Services, and then click Get Started
- Enter your bank information. Don't worry, your safety is our number one concern. Learn more here: Bill.com Security
- Click Next
- Choose how you want to continue - upgrade to a risk-free, 30-day trial of a premium account, or continue with a free account.
- You're ready to start connecting with your customers and vendors! Search the network to see who already uses Bill.com to pay bills and get paid.
- Create new customers and vendors
- Get verified
- Learn how to use your free Bill.com account to transact with all your customers and vendors, even those who don't use Bill.com!
- Basic Payables and Receivables - Getting Verified FAQ
- Bill.com Network
- Use the Bill.com Network to connect with other companies, who also use Bill.com, to receive electronic payment.
- The Bill.com Network - Overview