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Portal accounts: what the customer sees

When a customer receives an invoice, and follows the link to the branded web address, the following is what they see:


Invoice with Branded Web Address


Branded Web Address landing page


If the customer does not have an account set up, they may click "Don't have an account". They will need the information from the invoice to move forward


Enter email (user name) and password



Agree to the terms of service


Portal Home Page

To pay their bill, the customer would click the Pay Outstanding Bills button, then the Add Bank Account button to add banking information. If Credit cards or Paypal are being accepted, the option can be chosen from the drop down menu under "Pay From", then added using the blue button. 

Note: The customer will be unable to enter banking information if no bank account has been established on the receiving end.

Enter banking information

Checking the "private" box will hide payment information from other contacts who pay for this customer. To change or update the payment information, hover over the Gear Icon to access the banking and card information.

To set up Auto Pay, choose AutoPay your bills from the home screen and fill out the form on the next page.

Access to this screen can be turned on and off from the vendor account at Gear Icon > Settings > Receivables Preferences