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Export Profiles: Customizable Export Reports


If you use an accounting system we don't sync with, you can use Import/Export to transfer information between and your accounting system. However, your accounting system may require import files to have specific column headers, and have columns in a specific order. You can create a Profile to match the requirements of your accounting system, so that every time you export, the CSV file is titled and ordered in the exact right format to suit your needs, every time. 


  1. Hover over the gear icon , and then click Settings
  2. Under Import/Export, click Import/Export
  3. Click Export for the record to export
  4. Click Modify next to the Export Profile drop-down menu
  5. Edit the format of the headers by changing names as necessary, and changing the order of the columns using the sliders to the right of each header. 
  6. Once you've customizing this Profile, enter the name at the bottom of the page
    • Note: using the name of an existing Export Profile will overwrite that Profile
  7. Choose whether this Profile is to be the default 
  8. Click Continue. If this Profile is the default, it will automatically be selected each time you Export this file (until you choose another default). If it isn't the default, you can select it, or other profiles, from the Export Profile drop-down menu before exporting.