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Oracle NetSuite Sync: Best Practices for Vendor Credits


From Oracle NetSuite to

  • Only fully unapplied vendor credits will sync to

From to Oracle NetSuite

  • Vendor credits in Oracle NetSuite can be classified both in the general section of the vendor credit, as well as the line items of the vendor credit. only supports classifications in the line items of a vendor credit.
    • When vendor credits sync from to Oracle NetSuite, the general section of the vendor credit will use whatever is set as the Default Payables classification in the Preferences record.
    • To make it easier to reclassify these records (as needed), you can create a department, location, and/or class called “Unclassified”, or “Uncoded”, or something similar, and set that as your Default Payables classification.  This will allow you to run a report to isolate the vendor credits that need to be reclassified.
  • If you would like the sync to be able to apply vendor credits in Oracle NetSuite, when the period is closed, you will want to enable Non-GL Changes to the Accounting Period in Oracle NetSuite:
    • Setup > Accounting > Manage Accounting Periods
      Click on the period in which the vendor credit is dated in order to edit the base period
      Ensure "Allow Non-G/L Changes" is checked on as true
  • If you are using Oracle NetSuite’s  “Only Sync Approved Bills/Credits” is checked, vendor credits will not sync to Oracle NetSuite unless their Approval Status is Approved.
    • When vendor credits sync to Oracle NetSuite with this enabled, their status will automatically be set as “Approved” in Oracle NetSuite.
    • Once a vendor credit is approved in and syncs to Oracle NetSuite, changes to the approval status will not sync.