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Oracle NetSuite Sync: Best Practices for Vendors


  • supports vendors shared across subsidiaries (with bundle 3.2.0 or later). If a single vendor spans across multiple subsidiaries, that vendor record will sync over to each account linked to a subsidiary the vendor is shared with.
    • Vendors shared across subsidiaries need to be updated in Oracle Netsuite
  • Enabling access for a vendor will cause sync errors when that vendor is updated in
    • Vendors with access enabled need to be managed in Oracle NetSuite.

 From Oracle NetSuite to

  • Vendor ID cannot be longer than 20 characters. Any additional characters will be ignored automatically when a vendor syncs from Oracle NetSuite to

 From to Oracle NetSuite

  • For vendors of type: Company, Company Name is required to sync to Oracle NetSuite.
  • For vendors of type: Individual, First Name and Last Name are required to sync to Oracle NetSuite.