With the Bill.com Accountant PartnerProgram, you have two options: allow Bill.com to bill your clients directly for the services Bill.com provides, or have us bill you. You'll be able to select this on a client by client basis, as you add accounts to your accountant console.
To change billing for a client
- Click the name of your console on the left of the Bill.com dashboard screen right after you first log in
- Click the Manage Console button
- On your Clients list, change whether your clients are billed to console or billed directly by toggling the option in the "Bill To" column. You'll need to enter a credit card on the console by clicking Billing Payment Info before you can change any clients to "bill to console"
Things to know
When a client is billed to console, even administrators on the client account will not be able to access any billing or pricing information related to the Bill.com service.
To access billing statements for a client billed to console
- Click the name of your console on the left of the Bill.com dashboard screen right after you first log in
- Click the Manage Console button
- Click Billing > Statements
- You can click any statements to view company-by-company details and any company name on the statement to further drill down into the details for that particular company
- The most recent 12 months of statements display by default. To access past statements, check the Show Older Statements checkbox at the bottom of the page
- We bill stand alone accounts and accounts on consoles but not billed to the console, 30 days after signup, then the same date each month thereafter
- We bill Consoles on the 5th of each month no matter the signup date