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Comparing to a bank's online bill payment service addresses the needs of the entire business bill payment process, not just the payment itself. We've built our whole service around businesses and we understand what you need.

  • Business bill payment involves more than one person, at a minimum, the business owner and the accountant. In many companies, there is broad participation in the budgeting, purchase, approval, and payment processes. streamlines the approval and payment process beyond those people in a business who have access to the actual bank account.
  • A business bill payment process needs controls in place to prevent mistakes and fraud. can require a bill be submitted and approved before a payment is made, with separation of duties and assigned roles that restrict the ability to make payments to designated individuals. Your bank allows anyone with access to the account to make a payment at any time, whether you have received a bill or not.
  • Business bill payment involves a lot of paper. allows users to look at contracts, purchase orders, and past invoices (to see if there are duplicates), and to review when the last payment cleared, all online. provides a central repository to digitally store all of this paper. Related documents are linked together, making it easy for you to quickly get the information you need.
  • Businesses often need to access their payment history to understand what happened and when. offers a complete audit trail of bill and payment approvals and activities - storing the complete record of payment processing, approval details, and remittance information alongside the bill.
  • synchronizes vendors, customers, chart of accounts, items, departments, payables, payments, receivables, payments received, and funds transferred with your accounting software, including support for complex account splits. Your bank will only sync cleared transactions and require you to manually update your accounting system with all other accounting information. With, you eliminate the errors and hassle associated with double entry of your transactions.
  • not only handles your payables with ease and accuracy, we also allow you to invoice your customers, so you get paid faster and more reliably than ever before. 
  • Your financial needs require you to be able to diversify your cash. We allow you to add bank accounts from any banks with whom you do business and select which account to use at the time of payment. Your bank will only allow you to make payments from the checking account you have at your bank.
  • provides accounting firms, wealth management firms, and family offices with a console to manage bill payment for multiple clients and entities in one place.

The solution also includes banking services for check payments which typically come at an additional cost from your bank.

  • Fraud protection against check manipulation (Positive Pay, where the bank verifies that the checks presented for deposit or cashing match the list of checks your business has issued)
  • Unlimited retention of cleared check images online
  • Easy access to payment evidence (cleared check images attached to approved bills) as required for an audit