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Sage Intacct Sync Error: Required field 'Vendor/Customer ID' is missing


This error occurs when "auto-numbering" is not selected for Vendors in Sage Intacct and/or in there is no ID entered for the Vendor getting the sync error.


Required field 'Vendor ID' is missing.

Required field 'Customer ID' is missing.


  1. Enter a Vendor/Customer Id by clicking the edit icon on either the Vendor or Customer Details page, then sync.
  2. If you don't see a Vendor/Customer Id field:
    1. In hover over the gear icon, and then click Settings
    2. Under Accounting, click Preferences
    3. Click the Edit icon
    4. Select "Enter Id Manually" in the Vendor / Customer Sequence Id field
    5. Click Save
    6. Sync

Alternatively, you can select auto numbering in Sage Intacct, by selecting a Document Sequence, for Vendors/Customers.

You can do this in Sage Intacct by going to

(for Vendors)

Accounts Payable > Configure Accounts Payable > in the Document Numbering section add a value in the Vendors field.

(for Customers)

Accounts Receivable > Configure Accounts Receivable > in the Document Numbering section add a value in the Customers field.

For more details on Document Numbering, please contact Sage Intacct Support.