In the case that there are bills to be paid on a regular basis, provides the option to have these recurring bills automatically created. If there is a document that goes with it, simply attach the document from the inbox after the recurring bill is created each month. See the resource link below for instructions.
Setting up recurring bills
- Hover over Payables, and then click Recurring Bills
- Click New
- Enter the schedule information for the recurring bill:
- The end date should be at least one day after the date that the last bill should be created
- Next Due Date: The due date for the next bill to be created for this vendor
- Create: How many days in advance the bill should be created. By default this is set to 30, however, enter any value between 1 and 365 is accepted
- Frequency: How often the bill should be created
- Ends On: Enter a date to stop scheduling this recurring bill, or select No End Date.
- Enter the bill information:
- Account: The account used for coding the bill
- Amount: Enter the total bill amount if there are no splits, otherwise, click "+ More"
- Description: More details about the line item
- Vendor: Select the vendor for the bill. Select an existing vendor, or select Add New to quickly enter a new one
- Description: Add more details for the approvers. This field isn't required, but filling it out may be good practice
- Line Items - for more splits/line items, click "+ More"
- Approvers: Select the required approvers, if applicable. To add more than two approvers, click "+ Add More Approvers"
- Click Save
On the specified date, the recurring bill will be created with an invoice number that matches the bill due date. Any bills that are specified to be created today or earlier will be created within the next 30 minutes.
Things to know
- Recurring bills do not include automatic payment of bills