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Setting lead time preferences and determining a payment's process date

The process date of a payment is determined based on the due date of the bill and the company preference for lead time set in your Payables Preferences settings. We suggest a process date of six (6) business days before the due date to ensure on-time payment, and we will default to this if you do not select a lead time in one of the ways below.

The lead time setting can be managed in Payables Preferences, as well as within each vendor's record. In addition, you can edit the process date of any bill when you schedule payments from the bills page, even if a lead time is set in preferences.

Setting the payment lead time for all vendors

  1. Hover over the gear icon and click Settings
  2. Under Payables, click Preferences
  3. In the Lead Time field, enter your preferred number of days
    • This field refers to the number of days before a bill is due that payments will be scheduled to be issued. We recommend at least six days before the bill's due date, to allow for mail and processing time.
    • This field can only be set between -60 and 100. A negative value means the lead time will be set to the selected number of days after the bill's due date. A positive value means the lead time will be set to the selected number of days before a bill's due date
  4. Click Save


Setting the payment lead time for a single vendor

  1. Hover over Payables and click Vendors
  2. Click the vendor's name
  3. Click Edit
  4. In the Lead Time field, enter the vendor-specific lead time
    • This field refers to the number of days before a bill is due that payments will be scheduled to be issued. We recommend at least six days before the bill's due date, to allow for mail and processing time.
    • This field can only be set between -60 and 100. A negative value means the lead time will be set to the selected number of days after the bill's due date. A positive value means the lead time will be set to the selected number of days before a bill's due date
  5. Click Save

Things to know

  • We will send a reminder to pay a bill six (6) days before you should schedule a bill's payment based on your lead time setting
  • You can edit the process date for any bill payment, to as early as the next business day, if the bill should be paid earlier or later than the prefilled date calculated from the lead time setting
  • If you do not enter a bill at least seven (7) days before its due date, the process date will be set as close as possible to the lead time date you have selected
    • For example, if you set the lead time to six (6) days and then enter a bill four (4) days prior to the due date, the process date will be calculated as three (3) days prior to the due date, allowing for the one (1) day required for bill scheduling