To cancel an account, an Administrator on the account will need to submit the request from within the account.
Before canceling, if leaving due to an issue with the product or the account, we would love the opportunity to fix any issues. We appreciate any feedback offered about the product and our support.
- Check for payments in process
- Canceling a account
- Canceling a Console account
- Things to know
Check for payments in process
Accounts without payments in flight will be inactivated immediately. Note: Since we bill in arrears, at the end of the monthly subscription, the account will be prorated appropriately for user fees and transactions initiated while the account was still active. Accounts cancelled within the risk free trial period (first 30 days) will not be prorated.
If there are payments in flight, steps will be provided on how to proceed:
- Scheduled payments
- Cancel scheduled payments or
- Wait for payment to process and clear
- Uncashed, Returned or Failed payments
- Void any payments that have not cleared yet or
- Wait for payments to clear
- Pending Void and remit credits
- Wait for void credits to clear
- Failed Void and remit credits
- Contact Customer support to have the credit redirected to a different bank account in the account
Once the appropriate steps are followed and there are no longer in flight payments, request a cancellation again.
Canceling a account
- Hover over the Gear icon, click Settings
- Click Billing under Your Account With Us
- Click I want to cancel my service
- Select a reason for the cancel and any comments that will help us improve our product or service and click the confirm button
Canceling a console account
A console cancellation request can only be processed if there are no active client accounts under it. If the client accounts need to be canceled as well, please follow the steps provided above to cancel the client accounts. If the client accounts will continue to be used they will need to be unlinked from your Console. Please contact Customer Support to request the unlinking.
Once there are no active clients under the Console follow these steps to submit a cancellation request for the Console:
- Log into
- Click Manage Console
- Click Billing
- Click I want to cancel my service
Things to know
- For accountants that have multiple accounts, make sure you are logged in to the correct account before submitting the cancellation request
- If the account is canceled during the 30-day, risk-free trial period, there will be no charge for any of the services
- If canceling after the trial period, the account will be charged the prorated amount for the time and use on the account during that billing period
- If the account is overdue, it will need to be brought to current (paid) status to cancel
- To request a copy of the bills and documents in the account on DVD, an administrator on the account will need to submit a request via Customer Support