Use to keep track of all the bills you pay, even the ones you pay without using! For example, you might pay a few bills by printing checks through your accounting system. Or maybe you pay by credit card, or write a check by hand.
To record an offline payment
- Hover over Payables, and then click Pay
- Select each bill to be marked as "paid offline"
- Review the Payment Amount for each bill selected and make any necessary changes (including partial payments).
- Click Mark as Paid at the bottom of the page.
- Enter any extra details, if necessary:
- Payment Account: This field will auto-fill with the account designated in the sync preferences (field "Default Checking Account in [accounting system]). Change this to another payment account as necessary. The only options available will be bank type or credit card type accounts.
- How to Sync?: Choose "Do not sync" for payments entered manually in the accounting system, or "Enter check or ref #" for payments that should sync to the accounting system.
- Ref #: This field is REQUIRED when syncing to QuickBooks for Windows, but should be left blank when syncing with QuickBooks Online and paying multiple bills with one offline payment, to avoid sync errors.
- Memo: This field fills by default with the invoice number of the bill being paid - but this may be edited as necessary.
- Click Save or No Extra Details
To print a check in your accounting system
If syncing with QuickBooks for Windows, QuickBooks Online, Oracle NetSuite or Sage Intacct:
- Hover over Payables, and then click Pay
- Select each bill to be marked as "paid offline"
- Review the Process Date and Payment Amount for each bill selected and make any necessary changes (including partial payments).
- Click Print Checks at the bottom of the page.
- Enter any extra details, if necessary:
- Payment Account: This field will auto-fill with the account designated in the sync preferences (field "Default Checking Account in [accounting system]). Change this to another payment account as necessary
- Click Save or No Extra Details
Note: This feature is not available for accounts syncing with Xero.