Credit memos allow you to manage what your customers owe, without changing the details of your original transactions. Creating a credit memo is easy:
- Hover over Receivables, and then click Invoices
- Click "All Credit Memos"
- Click New
- Select your customer from the drop-down menu, and enter the rest of the Credit Memo information.
- Choose when you'd like to send your credit memo.
- Email Now: This credit memo will be emailed immediately upon saving. You'll be able to confirm the contents of the email, and your customer's email address, before sending.
- Email Later: This credit memo will not be emailed until you're ready to send it.
- If you decide to Email Later, return to the credit memo and select Email from the Credit Memo Actions menu.
- Click Save; if you are Emailing Now, confirm the email and email address, and then click Send.
Note: 'Discount' type items cannot be used on credit memos