Use to keep track of all payments received, even ones paid offline.
- On the Receivables Overview page, under the Payments Received section, click Enter Payment
- Select the customer to record a payment for
- Enter information such as:
- Amount - The amount of the payment
- Payment Date - Date the payment was received
- Payment Type - Cash, Check, Credit Card, ePayment, PayPal, Other
- Reference Number - A number used for referencing the payment
- Deposit To - GL account for the payment to post to, if applicable
- Memo - Enter any notes, if necessary
- Select which invoice(s) this payment should be applied to, and how much applied to each (if more than one)
- Allow Export - check this box if you want the payment to sync to the accounting software.
- If the payment is already in the accounting software, this should be unchecked
- This option will not appear if you have opted to never sync offline payments in your sync preferences
- Click Submit