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Importing Chart Of Accounts

The following is an explanation of each of the fields you can provide when importing Chart of Accounts.

Field Name Required? Maximum Description Accepted Additional Information
Name* Yes 250 characters The name of this Account  

- Key field

To update existing:

- Exact match with desired Account's name

- If using account numbers, exact match with account number

Active? No n/a Account is active or inactive - Active
- Inactive
- Exact match with one of the accepted values.
- All records automatically set to  Active when created (they can't be set to inactive in the same import)
Account Number No 40 characters Account number  

- Key field

To update existing: 

- Exact match with desired Account's account number

Type* Yes n/a Type of records that should be coded to this account - Unspecified
- AccountsPayable
- AccountsReceivable
- Bank
- CostofGoodsSold
- CreditCard
- Equity
- Expense
- FixedAsset
- Income
- LongTermLiability
- OtherAsset
- OtherCurrentAsset
- OtherCurrentLiability
- OtherExpense
- OtherIncome
- NonPosting
Exact match with one of the expected values


*Requires an exact match with the desired Account's name (for updating).