When a bank account is added, the only user that is bank authorized is the user that added the bank. To give others bank authorization to pay bills, they need to be nominated to the bank account in Bill.com. Once nominated, users will need to pass identity verification to become bank authorized.
The following steps walk through how to nominate a user to be bank authorized. The user being nominated must have the proper role permissions in place prior to being nominated.
Roles with pay permissions include:
- Payers
- Administrators
- Custom roles with at least the Pay approved bills via Bill.com setting enabled
Nominating a user to the bank account
- Hover over the gear icon, click Settings
- Under Your Company, click Bank Accounts
- Click the Bank Account Number for the account the user will be nominated for
- Next to Authorized Users, click Add
- Select the user to be nominated
- Click Save
- The nominated user will receive an email requesting him or her to log on to Bill.com and finish bank account setup
Things to know
- This feature is for advanced (paid monthly subscription) accounts only
- For basic (subscription free) accounts, each user will need to add a bank account for paying bills