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How do I import transactions from to Write-Up CS?

Under the Reports tab, choose either the Thomson Reuters Write-up CS Summary Export or Thomson Reuters Write-up CS Detail Export;Both these reports are on a cash-basis reporting basis: the summary report rolls up the transactions by account for the selected reporting period, while the detail report will have details of the each payment for the selected reporting period.
Click export for the appropriate report.
You will be taken to a page to enter parameters for the Thomson Reuters Write-up CS Summary Export report.

For Start Date, choose the beginning date of the reporting period
For End Date, choose the ending date of the reporting period
For Transaction Date, choose the posting date that you want to use for all the transactions in this reporting period. For example, you could choose the last date of the reporting period. Contact your accountant if you are unsure about this.
The Reference field will be displayed in Write-up CS when this report is imported into Write-up CS. It should be six characters long and may contain 1 decimal.
The Description field can contain up to 110 characters.
The Month field should indicate the period to which Write-up CS should post the transaction. January is always 1 and December is always 12, regardless of the fiscal year end date. The Month field is used for reporting purposes only and does not determine the period to which the transaction is posted.

Make the appropriate selections on the parameters page and click Go.
An Info box will display. Click on the link Click here to download.
You will be prompted to Save the file. Click Save.
Rename the file just Saved according to the following guidelines:

The filename format should be Gxxxxxyn.GLT. Up to 13 general ledger transaction files can be created for each client. Each processing period must have its own general ledger transaction file.
The G must be the first character of the filename.
The xxxxx represents the five characters of the client ID. These five characters do not necessarily need to match the client ID used in Write-up CS. The xxxxx is used to identify the client files as you go through the import process.
The y represents the alphabetical code for the period the transactions apply to. Code A is always used for January, Code L is always used for December, and so on, regardless of the fiscal year end date.
The n is used to identify 13-period client files. If the client is not a 13-period processor, this position in the filename should always contain a zero. For 13-period processors, if the period end date is between the 1st and 15th of the month, a zero should be entered in this position. If the period end date is between the 16th and the 31st of the month, a 1 should be used in this position.
The filename extension GLT should always be used to designate general ledger transaction files.

Open Write-up CS. Select the Client by going to FileOpen Client.
Now go to UtilitiesAccountant's and specify the foldethat containyour .GLT file.