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Managing folders

To create a new folder for storing documents:

  1. Click Documents at the top of the page in your account
  2. Click Folders
  3. Click New
  4. Enter a folder name, and select a Parent Folder, if applicable
  5. Click Save

To edit the name of a document folder:

  1. Hover over Documents and click Folders
  2. Click on the folder you wish to edit
  3. Hover over "Details" and click on Details from the drop down menu
  4. Click the Edit icon in the top right corner of the folder details

To delete a folder:

  1. Click Documents at the top of the page in your account
  2. Click Folders
  3. Click the name of the folder you'd like to delete
  4. Hover your cursor over Details, and then click Details
  5. Click the trash can icon to delete the folder - any documents in the deleted folder will remain, but will still be accessible by clicking the Documents tab, and then clicking Documents

To re-activate a deleted folder:

  1. Click Documents at the top of the page in your account
  2. Click Folders
  3. Check the Show Inactive Documents box at the bottom of the folders list
  4. Select the appropriate folder from the list, and click the trash can icon