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Setting up the Sync Dashboard for QuickBooks Desktop

Steps for setting up the sync with QuickBooks Desktop vary depending on how QuickBooks is set up for you and your company. 


  • Administrator privileges are required when setting up the Sync Dashboard.
  • The sync dashboard requires Microsoft .NET framework 4.6 to run properly. If on .NET framework 4.7 or later, 4.6 may still need to be manually enabled.
Administrator privileges on the local computer are required to proceed with the installation. Please contact your company's Systems Administrator if you are unable to install the Sync Dashboard.


Your IT or cloud-based hosting provider will be able to confirm where the Dashboard has been set up. The following are the hosted provider instructions:

Once your Provider has completed the setup, you'll access your Sync Dashboard on your desktop. Be sure to ask your administrator where to access the Sync Dashboard.


After the Sync Dashboard is installed, you'll be ready to set up the sync!

