Need to know how much cash you'll have in 3 months?
Eliminate surprises by knowing in advance when cash will be tight. If you've been wrestling with a spreadsheet to keep track of your cash flow, life just got easier. See a picture of your next few months of cash flow, and take action today.
We start with your bank balance, subtract bills you're scheduled to pay, and add payments you're scheduled to receive. Then we forecast a picture of your cash flow. See anything unexpected or out of the ordinary? Zoom in and make adjustments.
You're not limited to bills and invoices you handle with; add non-bill activity, such as payroll or new investment in your business as a Forecast transaction. Don't worry: non-bill activity doesn't affect your books. We use it only to project your expected cash flow.
Sync with QuickBooks for Windows or Sage Intacct? We automatically get your bank balance from them, so your Cash Forecast is always up-to-date.
To see Cash Forecast in more detail, along with any added Forecast transactions, hover over the Home tab and then click Cash Forecast.