Save time and money, and get paid faster! Connect with your customers and vendors who already use, and pay your bills, and get paid via ePayment.
We compare your vendors and customers with a pool of verified businesses (1.6 million as of Jan 2017) already using, and let you know when we've found a potential match. If we've found a match, we'll let you know:
- On your Network Overview page
- On your Dashboard
- On your vendors' Vendor Details page
- After adding a new vendor
- After adding a new bill
- On the Payment Confirmation page after you pay vendors by check
- When you click Set up ePayments for existing vendors
If one of our suggestions is a match, just click Connect to review that company's business information before completing the connection.
You can also invite vendors to join the Network for free, and start getting paid electronically by you and other business contacts using Learn more about inviting vendors here:
Inviting vendors to join the Network and get paid electronically