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Designate network connections manager

Designate an active user, in any role, to be the network connections manager. Network notifications, ie: a business sends an invite to connect with you, will solely go to the user designated going forward. This user will also show up in the Managed By field on the company's network profile.


Designating user

  1. Hover over the gear icon, click Settings or Click the gear icon
  2. Under Permissions, click Users
  3. Click the name of the user to designate
  4. Next to connection manager, click Make connection manager Make_connection_manager.png

The user's list will be updated to show which user has been designated the connection manager.



Things to know

  • By default, the Managed By field on the company's network profile will be the original Administrator or the earliest Admin added that is still active until another user is designated
  • Designation of connection manager can only be made by an administrator or user in a custom role with the Manage user permission
  • Only one user can be the connection manager at a time

