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Client account access for staff members

Manage staff member access to client accounts right from the Console. 


Single staff member access to multiple accounts

Add access for a newly created staff member or update an existing staff member's access to client accounts by following the steps below.

  1. Log into, click Manage Console                                                                                                       Manage_console.png
  2. Hover over the gear icon, click My Staff                                                                                               My_Staff.png
  3. Click the staff member's name                                                                                                           Click_on_user.png
  4. Click Edit                                                                                                                                               Edit_user.png
  5. Under Client Access,
    • If adding staff member to all client accounts with the same role, next to New Client Role select the role the staff member will need Client_access_-_bulk.png
    • If staff member only needs to be added to some client accounts, under new client role, select the role the staff member will need in next to each client account                                                                                                                                                                      Client_access_-_individidual.png
    • Role options will include the default user roles presented in client accounts and any custom roles that have been created in the Console 
  6. Click Save

Please note, it may take a few minutes for all changes to complete. Updated information will only display after the changes are completed and the page is refreshed.


Multiple staff member access to a single client account

Adding a new client or editing existing user access to a client account? Bulk manage staff access to client accounts by following the steps below.

  1. Log into, click Manage Console                                                                                                   Manage_console.png
  2. Click the on the client account company name                                                                                        Click_company_name.png
  3. Click Edit                                                                                                                                            Edit_company.png
  4. Under Client Access,
    • If adding staff members to all client accounts with the same role, next to New Client Role select the role the staff member will need Client_access_-_company_bulk.png
    • If only some staff members need to be added the client account, under new client role next to the staff member's name, select the role the staff members will need                                                                                                                                                                                     Client_access_-_company_individual.png
    • Role options will include the default user roles presented in client accounts and any custom roles that have been created in the Console 
  5. Click Save

Please note, it may take a few minutes for all changes to complete. Updated information will only display after the changes are completed and the page is refreshed.


Remove access to client accounts for a single staff member

Remove access to client account for a staff member by following the steps below.

  1. Log into, click Manage Console                                                                                                  Manage_console.png
  2. Hover over the gear icon, click My Staff                                                                                                      My_Staff.png
  3. Click the staff member's name                                                                                                               Click_on_user.png
  4. Click Edit                                                                                                                                               Edit_user.png
  5. Under Client Access, under Enable, unselect the box next to the client account the staff member needs to be removed from
  6. Click Save


Please note, it may take a few minutes for all changes to complete. Updated information will only display after the changes are completed and the page is refreshed.


Remove access to single client account for multiple staff members

Remove access to a client account for multiple staff members by following the steps below.

  1. Log into, click Manage Console                                                                                                   Manage_console.png
  2. Click the on the client account company name                                                                                       Click_company_name.png
  3. Click Edit                                                                                                                                                 Edit_company.png
  4. Under Client Access, under Enable, unselect the box next to the client company name the staff member needs to be removed from
  5. Click Save


Please note, it may take a few minutes for all changes to complete. Updated information will only display after the changes are completed and the page is refreshed.


Things to know

  • Staff member needs to be added prior to client assignments
  • Audit trail of user in client accounts will show the user was created/inactivated by system

