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Using reports reports are an important tool for customers to use so that they can extrapolate information quickly and accurately

Each report focuses on a different area of and pulls the information based on specific parameters

Knowing which report provides information and how it compiles that data is important for supporting customers. Below is a list of things to know about reports and a matrix of how they are pulled and what information they provide is attached for your use.


 Things to Remember

  • If the customer syncs with QuickBooks for Windows, AR reports may not be accurate if they are entering payments in QBW and syncing the status to
  • Some reports are calculated based on the date the bill or invoice was created
  • If there isn't a report in the reports tab with the information the customer is looking for, the Import/Export tool can typically be used to obtain the data
  • The Overview Reports and the Reports Tab reports will not always match. This is because they are calculated differently


See attached Reports Matrix for details on how the reports are calculated